Publication of Seasons 2010-2017

We are pleased to announce the publication of

Two Late Cypriot City Quarters at Hala Sultan Tekke
The Söderberg Expedition 2010—2017
Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 147. Åström Editions: Uppsala 2018
by P.M. Fischer and T. Bürge

with special studies by Muwafaq Al-Bataineh, Aaron A. Burke, Brian N. Damiata, Stefanie Fragner, Felix Höflmayer, Dominika Kofel, Omri Lernau, Klaus Löcker, Laerke Recht, David S. Reese, Serena Sabatini, John Southon, Peter Steier, Immo Trinks and Eva Maria Wild
ISBN13: 978-91-981535-4-5
XVI + 648 pp. / hardcover
Price: € 108

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The present volume deals with the results from eight seasons of excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke. This harbour town – one of the largest and most important in the Eastern Mediterranean – is situated near Larnaca on the south coast of Cyprus. Two city quarters dating to the end of the 13th and the first half of the 12th centuries BC were investigated. The material remains confirm far-reaching contacts and trade with numerous other cultures including the Mycenaean, Minoan, Egyptian and Levantine. Detailed studies on stratigraphy, pottery and small finds including extensive databases are presented. Special studies deal with metal production, animal and plant remains, geophysical prospection, radiocarbon and architectural reconstructions. The final Chapter 10 (in addition to Chapter 2) comprises discussions and conclusions on relative and absolute chronology, the economy of the city and its relation to neighbours, intercultural contacts, and the reasons behind the abandonment of the city during the “Crisis Years” at the waning Late Bronze Age, viz. the “Sea Peoples Phenomenon”.

1. Introduction and vade mecum, by Peter M. Fischer
2. Stratigraphy, architecture and finds, by Peter M. Fischer and Teresa Bürge
3. The pottery, by Teresa Bürge and Peter M. Fischer
4. Small finds, by Teresa Bürge, Serena Sabatini, Peter M. Fischer and Laerke Recht
5. Notes on metal production in CQ1 and CQ2, by Peter M. Fischer
6. Faunal evidence: catalogues, worked bones, ivory, horn, shells and fish, by David S. Reese and Omri Lernau
7. Analysis of plant macroremains and charcoal, by Dominika Kofel
8. Archaeological prospection surveys, by Immo Trinks, Klaus Löcker and Peter M. Fischer
9. Radiocarbon, by Felix Höflmayer, Aaron A. Burke, Brian N. Damiata, John Southon, Eva Maria Wild, Peter Steier and Peter M. Fischer
10. Discussion and conclusions, by Peter M. Fischer and Teresa Bürge
Appendix 1. Architectural units reconstructed, by Muwafaq Al-Bataineh, Stefanie Fragner, Teresa Bürge and Peter M. Fischer